CGADWV - Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary ·  District Western Visayas
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Award Recipients


National Director PCGA Unit Citation

National Director PCGA Unit Citation
  Award Value: 13 Points
  National Director PCGA Unit Citation *
This is awarded exclusively by the ND to any PCGA unit that has distinguished itself outstandingly in the rendition of its duty. The award is intended to recognize the performance of the PCGA District, Squadron, Division and other units within the PCGA that the ND recognizes to have demonstrated outstanding service.

35 recipients of this award:
01-24 COMMO Dannyl N Yap
01-24 CAPT Eliseo 'Eli' Bunda Tuazon
01-24 CDR Emelita V Agramon
01-24 CDR Roly D Agramon
01-24 CDR Bennie R Amboayan
01-24 CDR Noel R Angeles
01-24 CDR Arvin Sese Artillero
01-24 CDR Sheila Arenajo Artillero
01-24 CDR Samuel P Caña
01-24 CDR Norman L Gemino
01-24 CDR Ramcez John Alamo Honrado
01-24 CDR Noel O Imalay
01-24 CDR Ruderick T Matta
01-24 CDR Julio G Nakar
01-24 CDR Dennis 'Pong' A Saneo
01-24 CDR Mary Cris V Villaranda
01-24 CDR Nenia A Yap
01-24 LCDR Lizalaine M Angeles
01-24 LCDR Maria Christina F Bagundol
01-24 LCDR Lydia B Bellin
01-24 LCDR Leonard 'Lenny' William Gemar
60407-22 LCDR Leonard 'Lenny' William Gemar
01-24 LCDR Salome G Imalay
01-24 LCDR Ricky B Malayo
01-24 LCDR Francine 'Dimps' Tabujara Yap
01-24 LT Dominique Gabriel Banaga
01-24 LT Robert Victor 'RB' Navarra Dorado
01-24 LT Jeanelyn G Imalay
01-24 LT Mary Nolasco Tan
01-24 LT Venhart Brizuela Vallega
01-24 LT Camille A Yap
01-24 LTJG Ana Alexis 'Ana' Galamiton Talabucon
01-24 ENS Fhea Calixterio Aurelio
01-24 ENS Kaizen Zai F Bagundol
01-24 ENS Catlyn Kate G Imalay

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