CGADWV - Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary ·  District Western Visayas
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Member Information

LCDR Bernie Buenavides Albason

Photo of Bernie Albason
Deceased 4/18/2021
Member ID: M0604_190002
Designated: 604th CGAS
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Positions were found...
Deputy Director Administration
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3 Left Chest Awards were found...

Merit - 1Search And Rescue - 1Good Conduct - 1
Total Award Points Received = 28

4 General Orders were found...
Awarded the Search and Rescue Medal and ... · 16MAY2022 · A048-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A048-22
Awarded the Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon · 15FEB2021 · A06-21 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A06-21
Awarded the Merit Medal & Ribbon · 03DEC2020 · A017-20 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A017-20
Designated to CGAS604 · 18NOV2019 · A015-19 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A015-19
Appointed to rank of LCDR · 18NOV2019 · A015-19 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A015-19

Member has participated in 4 activities...
Oplan Semana Santa 2021 · 604 · 16APR2021 · MARSAF · Activity Details and Participants
Dumarao Dumalog Outreach · 604 · 22MAR2021 · COMREL · Activity Details and Participants
Capsized Boat Rescue · 604.1 · 07MAR2021 · MARSAR · Activity Details and Participants
Induction Ceremony · 604 · 27JAN2021 · OTHER · Activity Details and Participants