Member Information

CCAD Welard Aceron Buenvenida

Member ID: M0604_220148
Designated: 604th CGAS
You must logon to view Welard's address
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Positions were found...
CCAD member
604.C CGADiv - CCAD
CCAD member
604.C CGADiv - CCAD
CCAD member
604.C Division - CCAD

2 Right Chest Awards were found...

Presidential Unit Citation - 1Commandant Unit PCG Citation - 1
1 Left Chest Award was found...
Merit - 1
Total Award Points Received = 41

4 General Orders were found...
Awarded the Merit Medal & Ribbon · 24AUG2022 · A064-22
Awarded the Commandant PCG Unit Citation · 23JUL2022 · 60408-22
Awarded the Presidential Unit Citation · 29JUN2022 · 60404-22
Designated to CGAS604 · 16FEB2022 · A016-22
Appointed to rank of AUX · 16FEB2022 · A016-22

Member has participated in 7 activities...
Semana Santa - Roxas · 604 · 09APR2023 · MARSAF
Rice Distribution · 604.C · 22DEC2022 · COMREL
Cogon Community Outreach · 604.C · 19NOV2022 · COMREL
TS Paeng Relief · 604.C · 28OCT2022 · COMREL
Task Force Pagdumdum · 604.C · 26OCT2022 · COMREL
Coastal Cleanup - Brgy Cogon · 604.C · 13AUG2022 · MAREP
Oplan Semana Santa 2022 · 604 · 17APR2022 · MARSAF