CGADWV - Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary ·  District Western Visayas
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Member Information

ENS Fernando Timban

Member ID: M0604_170002
Designated: 604th CGAS
You must logon to view Fernando's address

Positions were found...
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3 Left Chest Awards were found...

Search And Rescue - 1Disaster Relief And Rehabilitation - 1International Coastal Cleanup Day - 1
Total Award Points Received = 23

3 General Orders were found...
Awarded the Search and Rescue Medal and ... · 14NOV2022 · A073-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A073-22
Awarded the International Coastal Cleanu... · 14NOV2022 · A072-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A072-22
Awarded the Disaster Relief and Rehabili... · 25APR2022 · A035-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A035-22

Member has participated in 8 activities...
Semana Santa - Roxas · 604 · 09APR2023 · MARSAF · Activity Details and Participants
TS Paeng MARSAR · 604 · 31OCT2022 · MARSAR · Activity Details and Participants
International Coastal Cleanup Day · 604 · 17SEP2022 · MAREP · Activity Details and Participants
St John the Baptist Festival - Roxas · 604.1 · 24JUN2022 · MARSAF · Activity Details and Participants
Oplan Semana Santa 2022 · 604 · 17APR2022 · MARSAF · Activity Details and Participants
Agaton Roxas SAR Rescues · 604.1 · 14APR2022 · MARSAR · Activity Details and Participants
Oplan Semana Santa 2021 · 604 · 16APR2021 · MARSAF · Activity Details and Participants
Induction Ceremony · 604 · 27JAN2021 · OTHER · Activity Details and Participants