CGADWV - Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary ·  District Western Visayas
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Member Information

CCAD Claire Figuracion Albason

Member ID: M0604_220146
Designated: 604th CGAS
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Positions were found...
CCAD member
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CCAD member
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CCAD member
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1 General Order was found...
Designated to CGAS604 · 16FEB2022 · A016-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A016-22
Appointed to rank of AUX · 16FEB2022 · A016-22 · List of PCGA Members covered by GO A016-22

Member has participated in 3 activities...
Coastal Cleanup - Cogon · 604.C · 09MAR2023 · MAREP · Activity Details and Participants
Agaton Relief Distribution · 604 · 25APR2022 · COMREL · Activity Details and Participants
CCAD Induction · 604.C · 26MAR2022 · OTHER · Activity Details and Participants